日本の人事部「HRカンファレンス2016-秋-」 人の採用・育成・マネジメントに携わる皆さまが集う、日本最大のHRイベント
2016年11月15日(火)・16日(水)・17日(木)・18日(金)開催 [会場]大手町サンケイプラザ [後援]厚生労働省


日本の人事部「HRカンファレンス2016-秋-」トップ講演者インタビュー> Arthur Woodruff Bastian氏(バレオコンマネジメントコンサルティング シニア・マネジャー )インタビュー


Boost the global communications confidence of Japan’s current and future business leaders

Arthur Woodruff Bastian氏 photo

バレオコンマネジメントコンサルティング シニア・マネジャー 

Arthur Woodruff Bastian氏

To succeed in the upcoming years, Japan's next generation of leaders must be ready to fully embrace the international community and global opportunities. We offer a program based on core principles, practical approaches, and hands-on support.※英語力のレベルに関係なくご参加可能です。

―― 今回の講演のポイントについて、お聞かせください。

This workshop will introduce a few core principles and then quickly focus on practical approaches and real-world examples of the tools needed for Japanese leaders to succeed in the global marketplace. The contents are born out of years of industry and consulting experience with Japanese teams working in challenging international environments.

Examples content:
* Managing cross-culturally by the Japanese concepts of WA(和), BA(場) and MA(間)
* Improving your voice and impact in international meetings
* Reducing time writting emails while improving the response
* Developing clear and concise presentations for foriegn executives

―― 貴社の強みや特徴について、お聞かせください。

As a part of Valeocon group, one of our strengths is that we are in
close cooperation with our global offices. With a handful of case studies and
years of experience in leadership and management consulting, we have been helping our
Japanese clients achieve their goals related especially to aquire global competencies.

I myself am an American who has based my family and professional life in Japan for nearly 30 years. I’ve a degree in physics and an MBA from top US schools and have worked in leading global companies and top consulting firms. My passion has always been to help leadership teams better connect to the world by bridging gaps in business and technology, building collaborative cross-cultural teams, and problem solving in challenging international environments.

―― 講演に向けての抱負や、参加される皆さまへのメッセージをお願いします。

This workshop covers a wide range of attendee experience. It can address the challenges of people new to international roles, and add to the capability of experienced professionals. We will present in simple, straightforward English, but will take questions and discussions in Japanese whenever needed. The workshop is highly interactive; short lectures are followed by group case study and practice sessions.

  • この記事をシェア
Arthur Woodruff Bastian氏(あーさー うっどらふ ばすてぃあん)
バレオコンマネジメントコンサルティング シニア・マネジャー 

